By Anonymous - 28/05/2009 19:44 - United States

Today, I was looking at the skeleton of a human male that we have in out biology classroom. I picked up the hand to examine the bones in the finger, and had the sudden realization that this is the only time that I have held hands with a boy. I'm a junior in college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 232
You deserved it 8 688

Same thing different taste


ticklemeblueee 0

life is rough :[ but you should get out there. FYL though.

I have a friend just like you and she is reallllly shhyy and has anxiety problems. But, she is a terrific and attractive young lady. Don't worry about! Just relax.. boys aren't always monsters! But that doesn't mean I think you should call that random bloke who gave you his number.. haha.

Gabby125 0

What about your dad? Grandpa? Possible brother or guy friend? I find it pretty hard to believe that you've never had any male figure in your life.

Hey OP, i would be a Junior in college (had i not enlisted in the Marines) but i too have never held hands with a member of the opposite sex (in my case females). also my freshman year of college was the first time i had ever seen a ******, however it was on the corpse of an 89 year old woman in a cadaver lab...some motivating Human Anatomy right there...i feel your can hold my hand if it would make you feel better.

HOLY you have real human skeletons in your college?! And I thought dissecting frogs was bad.

You should have made him finger you. That really would have got the juices flowing.

meriadoc2 0

well whoop de do you have no love life. Seriously, this is NOT fml worthy. Go post your sad story on There are so many fmls like this like 'this is the first time i kissed a woman' and its like their grandmother, or something lile that ugh. This is not a place for pity. This did not make me laugh nor feel bad for you

kingbeau 0

Mmmmm... nope! Nobody has gotten through life up to that point without holding a male child's hand or their father's/older brother's/uncle's hand (as a child)... Now if you mean you've never held hands with a guy you had sexual/romantic feelings for, then I'd suggest you might want to look into why you'd feel sexually/romantically attracted to a skeleton such that you would count it as your first hand-holding experience with a "boy".... Just saying... Either that or you're just REALLY not a hand holder and if that's the case then its not really a problem...

so_me_fml 0

Well, I'm on your side OP. I was 21 the first time I held hands with someone I actually cared about :) ...but it wasn't with a dead guy. In my case, and possibly yours too, it just meant I knew what I wanted and wouldn't settle for anything less. Apparently you think this is an FML. I just think it's holding out. If you REALLY wanted a boyfriend, you could settle, and have one in no time. The right one will come along, and he will be well worth your wait.

sweetangel_12320 0

o totally saddness, I am sorry to hear that :-( but it may be a good thing, don't hold someones hand unless they are worth it and you haven't found the right person yet