By Anonymous - 28/05/2009 19:44 - United States

Today, I was looking at the skeleton of a human male that we have in out biology classroom. I picked up the hand to examine the bones in the finger, and had the sudden realization that this is the only time that I have held hands with a boy. I'm a junior in college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 232
You deserved it 8 688

Same thing different taste


konstantdreamer8 0

If it helps, you have at least made me feel so much better about myself by sharing that story (I'm a college sophomore who's never had a boyfriend). So at least you're helping others! No but you'll find someone soon Hang in there

kishycathiee 0

Awwh, but everyone's gotta start somewhere! :D

lmmmr 0

#46- I doubt she's using it as a pick up line.

you never held hands with your dad? like when you were little and he didn't wanted you to get lost? or any male figure in your family?

alexgisforme3 0

i was wondering the same thing as 5 LOL. hahahahaha. at 13 id held hands wit a boi but hun its OK, screw anyone whos making fun of you for it! its better than having someone you didnt like in the first place!

funsize003 0

awh that's sad. don't worry though, your time will come.

xO_starstruck_xO 0
GMSD213 0

These bullshit FML's are getting really old. Like the one about the kid walking in on his mom in the shower and that being the only time hes ever seen a girl naked. Come on get some fucken originality on here for Christs Sake. OP FYL because your stupid and i hate you.

I'll hold your hand if you like. If your a woman of course. :)