By Jason199615 - 17/04/2012 18:11 - United States - Marshfield

Today, I was looking through my Internet browsing history. Apparently my wife had searched "How to have an affair without getting caught". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 400
You deserved it 2 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

step 1. always be sure to clear browsing history.

Well leave the history page up and search "how to kill and hide your wife's body without being caught". That'll teach her.


muffinXmonster 12

Step one: delete search history

xplainphrox 8

Another suggestion -- make a new email/screen name for a chat account that she belongs to. Go online, on a different computer (or iPod/iPhone etc) and chat her up. Get her interested in you. DON'T LIE DURING THIS CHATTING UP!!! Make plans to meet with her and when you do meet with her, just tell her... I wanted to spice up our relationship... I felt there was something missing. Make sure you tell her you love her. Don't judge her... Make it feel like a "cheat date" lol... For a lack of a better term... Good luck with whatever you do OP but I suggest you NOT divorce her unless she HAS cheated.

ElhonnaDS 10

I'm sorry- what? You think that if one partner is cheating, or wanting to cheat, the other partner should cater to that desire in an attempt to keep the relationship exciting? That they person cheating/about to cheat should be forgiven without showing any remorse, and on some level validated by the faithful partner by them sending the message that THEY were the ones who had done something wrong. I...I don't understand anyone who would think that, other than someone who has cheated because they were bored and felt justified about that. @OP- If she's cheating, then she's already done with you- be done with her. If she's seriously thinking about cheating, same answer. However, it could be a number of things- her looking stuff up for a discussion with friends, thinking YOU are showing signs of cheating, her looking something up after a show about cheaters, research for something she's writing, etc. I wouldn't necessarily jump to conclusions- just come out and ask her about it.

graphicstyle7 17

She may of been doing that because she suspects YOU... and wanted to do research.

graphicstyle7 17

Also... she could of been bored, or curious. The mature thing to do is sit down and have a talk with her, maybe see a counselor if called for.

Apparently she didn't look up a site on "How to delete browser history" FYL OP, time to confront her about going there & let her know that the instructions "DIDN'T/DON'T WORK", because you already know what she's up to.

pfclunchbox005 1

If I were you I'd go **** someone.

jmichael11 9

I would love to find the cheating spouse blog haha. A how to guide for being an a**hole. Plus why is it the people with the dumbest ideas don't know how to clear their browsing history. It like leaving a bunch of evidence on purpose and yelling "come find me".

Fix your relationship. It's pretty obvious you two spend more time on the net than you do together. Quality time is highly important! My some good relationship books ie..."The Five Love Languages, Before You Do"...just to name a few. Good luck dude!!