By Jason199615 - 17/04/2012 18:11 - United States - Marshfield

Today, I was looking through my Internet browsing history. Apparently my wife had searched "How to have an affair without getting caught". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 400
You deserved it 2 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

step 1. always be sure to clear browsing history.

Well leave the history page up and search "how to kill and hide your wife's body without being caught". That'll teach her.


Skatergirl109 5

At least you found out before she attempted it

I see the problem here. You have a wife.

Yourheadache 19
Llama_Face89 33

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say not clearing your browser is a good way to get caught. :

argybargy 3

Wait until she searches the browser history and finds out that you Googled "private investigator" and "divorce lawyer" ...

Leave her. She doesn't even know how to clear her browsing history, so not only is she a cheater, she's a stupid cheater.

If there is an actual guide for that sort of thing, human society has once again failed.

Was deleting the browser history step one?

U should look at the sites she visited and learn how to have an affair without gettin caught and return the favor.