By queen - 30/12/2009 01:29 - Brazil

Today, I was making out with my boyfriend and he tried to put his hand inside my pants. I didn't want it to be that easy so I denied, but he insisted a lot and I finally let him. He started to sing "We Are The Champions." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 956
You deserved it 24 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, your boyfriend found a keeper. You're easy, but provide the illusion of his having accomplished something by getting in his pants! In other words, he had your pussy and ate it too.

so do i... oh OP youre bf is FUNNY more of a fhl because his gf doesnt think so


Haha. Your boyfriend is entirely comprised of win. :D

ImShamazingHun 0
Briing_iit_on 0

lol ur bf is funny. having a bf with a sense of humor is not a FML

There are a bunch of people who are saying "I would totally do that!" and I am appalled! I would never sing like that as I was getting it on... I would sing "Don't Stop Me Now" instead... Seriously!

wow u r that love to have a girl friend lik u id get laid in less than an hour all i would have to do was keep tryin

*Sigh* Your stupidity is shocking, you have no clue how long they have been dating, how old they are, or whether they have done this before. So you have no right to call her easy dumb-ass.

fuckinglifehard 0

At least he didn't start singing "I am Not a *****" to calm himself when he realized he was committing a sin. Been there, done that.