By diva467 - 03/10/2009 18:41 - United States

Today, I was on a date with a guy having a great time. I went up to go to the ladies' room, but as I walked back to the table, I heard some giggles. I looked and found out why. My skirt was tucked into my underwear. I was wearing my lucky Star Wars-themed panties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 801
You deserved it 15 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments


russianspy1234 11

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty turned on...

Why is this an FML? Star Wars panties are awesome. If your date didn't appreciate that, he doesn't deserve you.

Yeah, I've gotta say that's pretty awesome. It may suck, but the average guy would be impressed by this

I know most gals would not be happy about having the ole skirt stuck in the undies, however you had bad ass undies on. If your date does not appreciate humor and love star wars, then to Hoth with him. You can do better. As a matter of fact, drop me a line. I guarantee I can hit the exhaust port of your death star and make you explode on the first shot... Luke Skywalker style baby. I would love to get lucky in your lucky panties. FML for not dating you...

season4reason 0

rotfl...i actually burst out laughing reading this comment

DrAcula_fml 0

That is NOT an FML. That is a win!

doughnutboy99 2

evrery guy loves a girl it one good ad who has good (or atleast a little) good taste in movies and videos games and stuff like that

mandark 9

Personally, I don't understand why this is an FML, childish undies are win. My lucky panties are Pokémon ones. Don't judge.

cass1_l0ve 13

Mine are spiderman :)) and I have a matching venom set hahahaha xD

Haha. Nice undies you have there. That'll actually be a plus in some books. Coincidentally, did any of the witnesses ask you to pet their Wookie?