By Anonymous - 06/06/2009 02:22 - United States

Today, I was on a double date at a restaurant with two friends of mine and a guy I really liked. Things started getting really quiet so I decided to start talking to make things a little bit less awkward even though I was eating. I ended up spitting a piece of chicken across the table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 245
You deserved it 45 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's so gross, you shouldn't talk with food in your mouth.

Eros_fml 0

i think he deserves to put his sausage in your taco for that one


Topguy 0

Well you can be sure it's less akward now.

fuglyasian 0
caligirl89 0

You should start a convo when u digest your food!

triplethreat13 0

see, i'm really outgoing and try to be an exciting person, so when i'm talking to the guy i like and things get quiet, i just say "hmm, the conversation is dying. i might have to lie and say i have to [insert lame excuse here]." most of the time, a decent guy will reply with "don't lie! here's a topic for you..." it works every time :)

YDI for talking with your mouth full of food. After having **** in your mouth, it's better to swallow than spit.

hiscrazygurl1 5

little tip: if ur going to talk with ur mouth full of food... cover ur mouth with ur hand or napkin! idiot!

Valentine_Beauty 5

well at least you've got something to laugh about to ease the awkwardness.. being cool is being able to laugh at yourself for embarrassing situations...