By Anonymous - 05/10/2009 20:10 - United States

Today, I was on a plane with my grandma. A cute guy sat down next to her. She asked his age. He told her he was 16. She said, "Oh, that's how old my granddaughter here is." She then turned to me and said loudly, "You should switch seats with me, he's HOT!" Well, at least Grandma loves me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 246
You deserved it 6 271

Same thing different taste


at least you got to sit next to him. that's awesome anyway. good conversation starter.

quarty165 0

awww, your life is awesome cuz you have an awesome grandma!

jw90 18

Wow your grandmas trying to hook you up with a cute guy. Boo hoo! YDI for being not loving your grandma enough to switch seats with her.

Haha, your grandmother is amazing. Mine would probably do the same thing though xP

God, kids like this are the reason people think our generation sucks. OH BOO HOO GRANDMA'S EMBARRASSING ME BY HOOKING ME UP WITH A CUTE GUY!

FAKEstfu 0

Well did you switch seats? Ydi for being a prude.

MiniatureMayhem 0

I would laugh if Grandma hooked up with the guy.

so did you switch seats? ....maybe its an fml cause she hates the middle seat? lol.