By firstdate - 24/01/2010 19:32 - United States

Today, I was on my first date with my crush. When I saw her, I greeted her with, "Hey, sweetheart." She's convinced I said, "Hey, retard." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 255
You deserved it 5 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That reminds me of the time I passed by my friend at school in the hallway, and said, "What's up?" she looked hurt and didn't respond. Later, I asked her why. She thought I said 'Shut up'. Communication Fail.

saranottelling 7

What I really want to know is why you greeted her with "Hey sweetheart" on the1st date. That's more of a 5th-10th date thing. On the 1st-5th dates you greet each other by name. The 10th date and up you start making those really horrible nicknames that make your friends sick each time you use them.


Queen_Naiomi 2

@38, you are just mad that no one calls you sweetheart. Guys who call girls that are trying to be nice, I call everyone hun or love just because that is in my nature. But seriously, that is hysterical.

#40 not hysterical. realistic. my boyfriend calls me beautiful but we've been together for 3 years. first date is a little soon for pet names

aeslehc_ 0

She IS kind of a retard if she thought that's what you said and can't be convinced otherwise.

I had an interesting mishearing experience working as a cashier. A foreign man came in and asked for directions. During our very civil discussion he called me a ******. I didn't trust my ears so I ignored it. He said it a few more times but it was so incongruent with the conversation that I ignored it. A few years later a friend that had recently learned English was able to illustrate what had happen. She eloquently asked a teacher if she could go take a "shit." Apparently it is very easy to learn curse words without realizing what they mean when learning a new language.

Blue_Agave 0

What she thought you said would have been a better greeting.