By firstdate - 24/01/2010 19:32 - United States

Today, I was on my first date with my crush. When I saw her, I greeted her with, "Hey, sweetheart." She's convinced I said, "Hey, retard." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 259
You deserved it 5 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That reminds me of the time I passed by my friend at school in the hallway, and said, "What's up?" she looked hurt and didn't respond. Later, I asked her why. She thought I said 'Shut up'. Communication Fail.

saranottelling 7

What I really want to know is why you greeted her with "Hey sweetheart" on the1st date. That's more of a 5th-10th date thing. On the 1st-5th dates you greet each other by name. The 10th date and up you start making those really horrible nicknames that make your friends sick each time you use them.


why did you even say hey sweetheart??? going a little fast there???

this isn't a fyl. If she didn't find it funny then she is a waste. find a new crush.

At least she didn't think you said cum-dumpster.

you called her sweetheart on the first date? does anyone else find that weird?

cuteeeface 0

it's not weird that he called her sweetheart at alll. especially since he's from texas! that's just a southern thing. my boyfriend is from texas and he called me hun and sweetie and sweetheart before we were ever really friends. alot of guys from the south do that. anyway sorry, that sucks! :( if she really thinks that and doesn't believe you then that just forget about her :)

indiechickXD 0

Ahh mate. That completely sucks =(

perdix 29

Between your speech impediment and her retardation, I'm sure your brood will be taking home lots of Nobel Prizes. That is, if they introduce a Nobel Prize for Knuckle-Dragging.

thinmint 0

lol I would like retard better anyway, it let's me know we both have a silly sense of humor...

Ha ha. you deserve it. if someone called me sweetheart on our first date i'd punch him in the face cuz guys who are forward that quick just wanna try and get laid