By Anonymous - 17/08/2010 07:10 - United States

Today, I was on my third date with this really cute girl. After a very romantic evening, I decided to go for the first kiss, but because of my nervous reflex in which I get bloody noses, I ended up bleeding all over her face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 603
You deserved it 4 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

one time my nose randomly started bleeding when I was making out with someone and we just laughed about it. if she is worth your time she will understand.

RedPillSucks 31


Could be worse--you could be Stan Marsh. At least blood doesn't smell as bad as vomit. Pretty funny, though.

j5p332 6

dude, get your blood pressure checked...

blahzz 4

So when you go down on her is that shit gonna pour outta your nose like a flood?

Shove a tampon up your nose next time, it's great for nosebleeds.

#100 Actually, they really are! They're meant to be absorbent (obviously), so they do the trick...

alienbread 0

could be worse you could have farted in her ear.

Ju99ernaut94 0

it wouldve been ironic if her name was Mary lol Bloody Mary

snoopcatt12 0

I hate to say it but i must.... "white people"

hmm... just tell her your nose was manstrating. I'm sure she will understand. just explain that guys are different, instead of bleeding out through the vajayjay like girls, we bleed through our faces from time to time.