By whoops - 11/04/2009 20:43 - United States

Today, I was on my way home from work and decided to stop at the grocery store. I purchased $200 in groceries and went to put them in my car. I then realized I drove my motorcycle today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 418
You deserved it 88 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

some1outthere 0

LOL at #3. Anyway, how the hell do you forget what you were driving?


Some of you people act as if you're perfect. We ALL forget things and often really stupid little things. Stop acting as if this poor person is the biggest retard because they forgot that, because I can assure you karma will make you forget something even more stupid.

#31, IDK where you work, but I'm also a grocery store cashier and $200 is the average amount spent for weekly groceries.

**** you're dumb, I mean jesus christ!

zland 0

Geez. that sucks. You should've taken the cart, tied it to your motorcycle, and driven home.

weeeezy 0

this is a true FML moment. hahahaha

Veryberry05 0

Yea you suck at life....YDI

LOL, how in the world could you forget? I have a bike too :D but if you are a rider you need to be in the constant state of awareness--that you are on a bike, it is a different situation--both on the road and the places you go on it. I hope this reminds you to pay attention to everything, if nothing else, for your safety.