By whoops - 11/04/2009 20:43 - United States

Today, I was on my way home from work and decided to stop at the grocery store. I purchased $200 in groceries and went to put them in my car. I then realized I drove my motorcycle today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 417
You deserved it 88 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

some1outthere 0

LOL at #3. Anyway, how the hell do you forget what you were driving?


ImaTrainwreck 0

Duuuude. HAHAHAH That would suck. So much.

hahaha im sorry! but seriously how do you forget something like that?

Not the sharpest tool in the shed. Or the fastest form of transportation in the parking lot :D

dude you have a motorcycle, you got no right to complain about anything

help!!! laughing so....hard,....can't...breathe...m-m-ust post ttthiss,,., bereforeee deaa-.....

iangel92 2

hahaha! that's so annoying! WTF did u do?!

KeriRox407 0

YDI. What? Did..did you just 'forget' you rode a motorcycle?...or??...Even so, why would you ride a motorcycle to a grocery store with intention to shop...for groceries...??? I dunno. Maybe..I'm just missing something...but, yeah, YDI for being completely clueless. ~K

KeriRox407 0

I regress. You were on your way home. Still very silly that you forgot that you rode a motorcycle.

maneddie 0

^^^^ only one thing u can do.............. HIJACK BIAAATCH!!!