By whoops - 11/04/2009 20:43 - United States

Today, I was on my way home from work and decided to stop at the grocery store. I purchased $200 in groceries and went to put them in my car. I then realized I drove my motorcycle today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 417
You deserved it 88 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

some1outthere 0

LOL at #3. Anyway, how the hell do you forget what you were driving?


LOL! FYL alright. You should've paid a hobo to babysit them while you got your car.

I'm willing to bet you could have left them with customer service and come back with your car... But you're retarded for forgetting you were on a bike. In fact, it seems to me the only way you could have pulled this off is if you don't wear any riding gear (makes it even harder to forget what you drove), which makes you extra retarded.

Wtf? That's just ridiculous. How forgetful and absentminded could you get?

anonymous8_fml 0

It's like a laughing cow commercial.

random_thought 0

... couldn't you have called a friend to pick you up? it's not that bad of a situation...

dmack39 0

WOW. this story is so fake you would have to have a mental retardation in order to forget the you rode a motorcycle and didn't drive your car, nice try but too bad we all know ur lying..LOSER

FAKE... You RIDE a motorcycle, you don't drive one. And anyone who says 'drove' a motorbike doesn't have one - because they'd know better. Actually, the only people I know who say they 'drove' a two-wheeled object are those with mopeds. So either you're lying.. or you don't want to admit you have a moped. Enjoy your 50ccs of power there, mate.

iLgymnastics 0

thats what you get for having a car, a bike, AND $200 for food.