By tryfailtryget11 - 05/09/2009 04:23 - United States

Today, I was on the phone with my boyfriend. We were messing around and I always jokingly say, "You're adopted, nobody loves you!" to everybody. His reply, "That's pretty fucked up, I am adopted." He really was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 674
You deserved it 76 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

Oh yeah? Well, YOU'RE adopted, and nobody loves YOU! Ever think of THAT?! >:|


As long as you apologized and explained, it's not a huge deal. Everyone makes mistakes :P If you didn't apologize, YDI bitch.

your poor boyfriend... anyways, why do you say that line to everyone? it's not even like it's funny or witty..

All these people saying she totally deserved it, WTF?? How the **** was she supposed to know he was adopted? Are we all supposed to go around not making jokes on the off chance they may offend someone? **** YOUR BOYFRIENDS LIFE for being insecure. Just because he was adopted, doesnt mean everyone hates him. Quite the opposite, really.

how the hell is this your problem!? Your the one that said that to him, and you should of known that your boyfriend was adopted. NOT fyl! at all, you deserve this. **** your boyfriends life. you obviously dont deserve him. that is an offense to all adopted people.

...well that's just a stupid thing to say to someone.

super86man2 0

wow. as a adopted person this does sound reaallllyy bad. but the girl is just expressing herself. I know its a bad thing she said to her bf. but u guys should not go crazy on her. everybudy has a BADDDDDDDDDDDD joke. i had a lot. hahah

Why would you tell the world VIA FML how F***ING Stupid and inconsiderate you are?!?!?! If I ever made a comment like that I'd never be able show my face in public again, and I definitely wouldnt be telling people about it. Burn in Hell you F**ked up piece of SH*T

WoW.... adopted or not, we can all tell by the anger in this post that somebody didn't get the love they needed to be a happy person.... Yikes!

ElNegroHombre 0

I don't get why people say mean things like that and think it's supposed to be funny. Like when my friend says she wouldn't waste her time on me that's not funny. All I think is **** you *****.

dELiA14 0

Okay, so he's your bf and u DIDNT know he was adopted? Now THATDlS messed up