By tryfailtryget11 - 05/09/2009 04:23 - United States

Today, I was on the phone with my boyfriend. We were messing around and I always jokingly say, "You're adopted, nobody loves you!" to everybody. His reply, "That's pretty fucked up, I am adopted." He really was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 674
You deserved it 76 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

Oh yeah? Well, YOU'RE adopted, and nobody loves YOU! Ever think of THAT?! >:|


ok so after reading most of the comments on this page, i found 2 things. 1) people think that others should have "a sense of humour" and that she wasn't trying to hurt her bf in the first place. 2) there are those that think that the OP is a huge jerk and she shouldn't have said it at all regardless. let me start by saying i too am adopted. my parents tried for 11 years to have kids and couldn't have a child. so the adopted me from my birthmother that lived across the country to get me at birth. i feel very loved by them. and they provide me with a lot because i am their only one. and i have one of the biggest senses of humor of anyone i know. but for me, what the OP said isn't funny. like if someone called another person "gay" in a derogatory way when they actually WERE gay. it would hurt them a lot. those of you who say that everyone needs to "get a sense of humor," please put yourself in my position. or in the life of anyone that is adopted and imagine have this said to you. not so funny now is it? as for the OP... listen. people make mistakes. apologize to your bf. and say that you won't ever say that thing again. if he forgives you, then great. if not, then you have learned your lesson

Kudos to #136. Here's a bit more I haven't seen be said: some of my friends were making jokes about suicide because they didn't want to do their homework, and ended up having a pretty long conversation with a lot of specifics. Turns out they ended up describing exactly how my sister had tried to kill herself not too long before that. I was incredibly upset, but I didn't want to make them feel awkward, so I didn't say anything. So without even thinking about your boyfriend, who was strong enough to say something, think of all the people you have said this to or around who have been like me, tried not to be a "killjoy" and suffered through your comments. Some of you are saying we need to develop a sense of humor; I say you need to develop a sense of decency.

black_barbie10 0

i say that all the time,but i know whose adopted so i never say it to them,lol. like i only say it to people i know for a fact aren't adopted.

monosyllables 0

I never get why people react this way to honest mistakes on FML. Seriously, people need to get a sense of humor, and/or realize that you can't know *everything* about a person, so sometimes you might say things that are unintentionally offensive. I for instance, am an illegitimate child, meaning my mother and father were not married at my birth; but when somebody calls me a bastard, I actually find it pretty hilarious. Now of course they don't mean to be derogatory to me BECAUSE I actually am a bastard, just as saying "You're adopted, nobody loves you" isn't actually supposed to say anything, really, about adopted kids. As for those of you who say you'd say the same thing she said, but condemn her for saying it to an actual adopted person, I find that more offensive than anything, because that means you're saying something you believe is truly offensive, but you want to avoid the practical consequences of it. That bothers me more than someone who realizes that no offense is really intended by such a comment.

DanceRox9008 0

you totally deserved it. how could you not know that your own boyfriend is adopted?! like seriously WTF?

I make fun of adoption, but in a tongue-in-cheek manner. I was doing it at a birthday party of a friend of mine once and this chick freaked out on me. I am a Korean with an Italian last name. Both my parents are white and the girl used to go to the school where my father was the principle so she knew who he was. And yes, all of this indicates that I, myself, am obviously adopted. I'm not really bothered by things like that though. I don't quite understand how anyone could rationally stereotype adopted kids. I guess some people might think that adopted kids are loved less, but really if my parents paid 20 grand to get me at least I wasn't the result of some faulty latex or Jack Daniels. I have a couple of friends who were abandoned by one of their parents so I consider myself fortunate which is why it doesn't really bug me. As a side note, my friends and I do make fun of this girl for her outburst and in fact I do believe that she has done this twice. But to add a point of reference for who she is, a conversation in a very busy, mars themed restaurant in New York City inspired her to quite loudly inquire as to what a "donkey show" was while I was at the table.

Aw, that sucks, OP. I joke like that all the time, not specifically that phrase, but the same kind of insulting-but-you're-actually-my-friend way of joking. It makes me feel like a jerk when I describe my humor, but it's not that bad. I guess Y(kind of)DI, because you probably should know if he's adopted, but you're not an asshole or anything like some other people might think....

You just don't say shit like that to people you don't know well. This dude is supposed to be your boyfriend, but you didn't even know that he'd been adopted: you're a dumbass! You absolutely 100% deserve it.

Y the HELL don't u know ur BOYFRIEND is adopted !?!