By Anonymous - 20/08/2010 23:22 - United States

Today, I was on the toilet, when my Mom thought it would be a fun idea to barge in, take a picture of me, post it on Facebook, and tag me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 546
You deserved it 4 396

Same thing different taste


what kind of a mother would hummiliate their kid like that?

Just report the pic, if it isn't gone already. I always do that when someone posts a bad pic of me. But omg ur mom is Halarious!! My bro took a pic of my ass once when I was getting up off john and sent it to my guy friends via text so I feel ur pain. FYL

mommma 0

your mom is the pure definition of retarded. no offence LOL

YDI for not locking the door like a normal person.

Me: Hi, I'm Normal. Crowd: Hi, Normal! Me: I don't need to lock doors when I go to the washroom because my family/friends have enough respect to not open the door or at least knock first! Crowd: *nods*

Y_U_19029 0

looks like your havin a shitty time:P, but seriously your moms one pick(no pun intended) out of the bunch actually that pun was intended

violetsweety 26

get a picture of her doing her dad then post it up on facebook.