By luvonsarah - 14/08/2012 17:27 - United States - Beaverton

Today, I was out drinking with some friends in a Safeway parking lot, when I saw a familiar-looking vehicle pull up beside us. It was my dad, who angrily got out and demanded that I come home. I'm twenty-four, and now the laughing stock of my social circle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 546
You deserved it 24 973

luvonsarah tells us more.

luvonsarah 8

Hey there! I am the OP. A few things I'd like to address: I was only visiting my parents. I do have my own place. I stayed out a little later than I thought I would and they got worried. The bar (in which we were drinking) is in the same parking lot as Safeway. We stepped out to grab some vitamin water and smoke a cigarette.

Top comments

Number one: Why were you drinking in a Safeway parking lot?!? Number two: At least he cares about you...?

Time to move out! Think of all the positives, no grounding, no midnight bumps in the night (if you know what I mean) and most importantly no interruptions during happy time. Get a place OP, it will July get better.


Well, you are a fucktard to think it's okay to drink in public. YDI

Have to say YDI on this one just because #1: You're 24 & STILL live @ home, #2: You were drinking in public (usually you go to jail for that illegal activity, which is FAR worse than a parent ruining your fun time) & #3: you have money to drink in a parking lot but not to get your own place? Time to "grow a pair, grow up, & get your own place."

You're 24. A parking lot? Really? - Also I didn't think Safeways existed anymore...?

Considering you and your friends drink in a Safeway parking lot, I'd say being the laughing stock isnt the real concern. Finding new friends is.

I bet u were drinking mikes hard lemonade huh

If your acting like your 14, expect to be treated like it.