By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 20:22 - United States

Today, I was out walking my dog. A cute woman said, "Nice dog!" Without thinking, I replied, "You too!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 291
You deserved it 44 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet she didn't have a dog, did she...

BitterJaded 0

If you think your life is ****** because of I'll trade you lives.


dr_house_MD 0

there must be a mistake, this belongs on

MyBloodSings 0
misterman2 3

Ouch, yeah, I give that automatic response too. Usually when people wish me a happy birthday. XD

I used to say things like that all the time when I worked at a fast-food joint. =X

lol. i would have laughed if you said that to me. i dont see the fml part unless the girl ran away crying or something.

Virgin_Tea 0

When my grandpa comes over for his birthday dinner we all say "happy birthday" and he say "you too" with out even noticing. It cracks me up! So favoriting this!

Holy crap man I can't believe you said that to that poor woman!!!!!!! She must have been sooooo upset man I just really can't believe you said something like that! Your life is seriously f-ed.......i hate it when stupid fmls like this one get posted, what a waste of space

07_MKV 0

i have done this so many times, it just a natural reaction, lol

suaveneanderthal 0

lol so really? this got posted? cause if i posted an fml every time i slipped up whilst talking this would not be much of a website...

trapiadora 0

hahaha damn bet your not getting her number. I hope she didn't look like a dog.