By hala - 16/03/2009 02:18 - United States

Today, I was out with my friend. My six year old daughter was also with us. While we were walking through the parking lot, my daughter asked me in a very loud voice "Mommy, does a blow job taste bad?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 569
You deserved it 18 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DarkWaffle 0

It could be worse... "Mommy, why do ******** taste bad?"

My dad told me when I was 5, I walked in on my mom blowing him and ran out like "EW KISSING PENIS!" Later he sat me down to explain that it's something that mommies and daddies do and so I asked, "Does it taste good?" and he said "Go ask your mom." I remember nothing. When babysitting I had two ten year old girls ask me what a ******* was because they weren't sure. I then found out they thought that guys got a period, too. XD; Honestly, I think it's better that they know the truth than imagine some total BS and get themselves in trouble.


xx_hayleyy 0

get a hold of your first grader. before you know it she'll be a stripper.

I can't imagine a kid that young would know words like that..its shocking..

youknowit919 0

maybe Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) was right about the future of society

LMFAO where did she learn that from??

Aetius_fml 0

"It tastes absolutely disgusting until you're eighteen"

alwaysalady 0

When I was that age, I told my mom I knew what oral sex was. She looked horrified and said,"Oh?" I replied "It's when you talk a lot about sex." I had heard the term in a public washroom.

musicismylife21 5
tsprings 2
eschreib 0

ocean salt water and egg whites mixed together

unclesam 0're child is ruined.