By hala - 16/03/2009 02:18 - United States

Today, I was out with my friend. My six year old daughter was also with us. While we were walking through the parking lot, my daughter asked me in a very loud voice "Mommy, does a blow job taste bad?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 569
You deserved it 18 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DarkWaffle 0

It could be worse... "Mommy, why do ******** taste bad?"

My dad told me when I was 5, I walked in on my mom blowing him and ran out like "EW KISSING PENIS!" Later he sat me down to explain that it's something that mommies and daddies do and so I asked, "Does it taste good?" and he said "Go ask your mom." I remember nothing. When babysitting I had two ten year old girls ask me what a ******* was because they weren't sure. I then found out they thought that guys got a period, too. XD; Honestly, I think it's better that they know the truth than imagine some total BS and get themselves in trouble.


DeathByIrony90 0

I remember in 2nd grade a kid in my class told the whole class (or at least it spread to the whole class) about all sorts of sex positions and terms including *******, orgies, and doggy-style. We got the meaning of most of the terms wrong or misunderstood them, but I can tell you that I knew all about that kind of thing by summer after 5th grade/6th grade NOT by TV, NOT by my parents doing a bad job of "shielding me from the outside world", but because other kids told me about it; God knows where they found out lol.

#6 wtf wtf and wtf dont worry about it she'll find out soon enough...

AngelBubblesRose 0

thats funny terrible that a six year old knows that term but very very funny

mdphs 0

bahahhahahahaha shouldve told her hell yes! then she'll never try it

girlieD86 0

OMG! Did she overhear your conversation? I hope my daughter never asks me any questions like that. You have my sympathy

AntiChrist7 0

you deserved that one, raise you kids properly

green_199 0

We all knew about sex when we were kids. At least your child feels comfortable talking about these things with you. I could never talk about sex with my parents. It would have been nice to have been able to do so when I was younger...

inlimbo11 0

Today, my 6 year old daughter learned what a ******* is. FML.

the fact that your 6 year old child knows what that is says something bad about today's world. or about your parenting.