By Anonymous - 14/02/2014 01:31 - United States

Today, I was out with my girlfriend at a club. As a slow dance began, a guy approached and asked, "May I cut in?" My girlfriend surprised me by saying, "Sure!" As I was about to protest, the guy cut me off and said, "Sorry miss, I was asking him." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 996
You deserved it 7 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you danced with him as revenge for your gf saying yes. That would show her!


That's a compliment. I'd be flattered.

Maybe the other guy realized what a bitch she was and that's why he changed his mind.

Take it as a compliment, he thinks you're attractive,this isn't a fml.

Karma is on ur side my friend.. Did u dance with him atleast?

The proper way to cut in is to ask the man permission to take his girl for a dance. Of course we wasn't asking her. If he were asking her, THEN he would have wanted to dance with the guy. You don't ask the person you want to dance with if you can cut in, you ask their partner, so as to not be rude. It is also considered rude not to accept a cut-in in a formal situation, though I suspect the club is not a safe place to go dancing with random guys. There was a total misunderstanding of etiquette in this FML all the way around, not even mentioning the fact that OP's girlfriend would be so willing to let another man cut in in that kind of setting.

The guy cutting in did it right, he addressed the partner of the person he wanted to dance with first. She just assumed he'd got it wrong and wanted to dance with her.

If this was the case, the man would have moved to take his place with the other gentleman, as the other woman's "sure!" would have been taken as the permission he was seeking by asking her, rather than telling her that he was not talking to her. # 139 has the right of it.

FML entries are so short that you're probably reading too much into it. For all we know the girl may have moved in to dance before being told she was in the wrong.

I sure hope you said "sure!" In the exact same way she did OP. That'll teach her!