By name50 - 07/02/2009 18:16 - United States

Today, I was passing a building and saw a fat, ugly person inside. I started to laugh and noticed it was my reflection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 614
You deserved it 74 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kighrawr 0

This almost made me cry of laughter.

twilightobsesser 0


domino57 0

hahha i literally just laughed out loud. thanks dude, you just made my day. btw, it sucks your fat and ugly. like seriously. sorry.

domino57 0

hahha i literally just laughed out loud. thanks dude, you just made my day. btw, it sucks your fat and ugly. like seriously. sorry.

almostouttt 0

...when was the last time you had looked in the mirror, dumass ?

ilyrwr 0

you spelled dumbass wrong smarty

how could you not recognize yourself? it's really sad that a fat, ugly person was laughing at another fat, ugly person. and it's even more sad that it was yourself. this seems fake, i don't think anyone can be that dumb.

hawaiianxpunchx3 0

wow thats really mean that you would laugh at someone because of that. really mature.

I agree with #1. Also, your inner beauty needs a serious make over.

You would laugh at a fat ugly person? Bitch.

kat0ria 0

Wow... I can't decide what's worse, that you couldn't tell it was your reflection at first, or that you'd laugh at a 'fat, ugly person.'

HAHAHAHAHAA. imma die of laughter. LOL. thanks, fatass.