By name50 - 07/02/2009 18:16 - United States

Today, I was passing a building and saw a fat, ugly person inside. I started to laugh and noticed it was my reflection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 613
You deserved it 74 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kighrawr 0

This almost made me cry of laughter.

twilightobsesser 0



im sorry, but you noob. how can you not know what you look like.....

The_Curse 0

Haha ur not laughing now r ya? XD

LOL..... that's why you shouldn't make fun of others =] this is hypocrisy at its best XD

Lindzzz 0

that's great =D Karma is horrible, isn't it?

HeatherHarris 0

17- how does this person sound emo??! i hate people saying "oh.. you sound so mo..." it really annoys me.

thats kinda mean cuz you were laughing thinking it was some random fat & ugly person being overweight and kinda uglyish i say **** YOU

newguy12 0

maybe it was a fat, ugly person laughing at you

This isn't an FML. You shouldn't be laughing at someone, regardless of how fat and/or ugly they are. Period. Even more so, if you realize that it is you in the end, you shouldn't even be talking, because you are obviously then overweight and in with your own words, unattractive. How you wouldn't have known that it was you in the first place is incredibly pathetic. This sounds like something I would make up in my mind if I just wanted to sound like an idiot, honestly.