By webperson04 - 27/07/2009 19:07 - United States

Today, I was peeing in a urinal at a bar. A drunk guy comes in, and seeing no urinals open, he decides to pee between my legs from behind me. He didn't have good aim. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 431
You deserved it 3 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caramelize 0

FYL for sure. That's disgusting!

And you let him?! I'd have clocked him!!!!


well if the dude turned around he'd get piss all over him and if he'd try to move away he'll still be "pissed"

ewwwwwwwwwwww! thats ****** disgusting!!!!!!!!!!

after he was done, I would of turned around and pretend try to grab at it or sink to the floor and be like "was that a hint? cause I will so suck you dry...." just to freak him out

cheer_leader247 0

what if he did that and that guy turned out to really be gay....that would be super awkward

heavenandhell 0

I would of beat the shit out of him if that happened

shimmeristic 0

YDI for peeing in a urinal.

As opposed to peeing in the sink? Seriously, where else would he pee? Maybe all the toilet stalls were taken too.

yeah stick to stick is definitely considered gay these days. and so is spooning. so 2 men being close together just isn't right all together.

yea.... i just the other day i was in a store n my cuz whent to try on pants. i was standin a lil outside the changing room and i see ths guy round 16 come out of a stall. then after a few minutes another guy comes out and he looked a little older. they looked like they were realated n i was wondering why they would be in one tiny stall together. next thing i know they started speekin portugees (srry idk ho 2 spell it)....