By Puppysit88 - 16/04/2009 21:36 - United States

Today, I was petsitting for my neighbor's new puppy. A huge thunderstorm came, and the puppy started whining and shivering violently. I pulled it into my lap to try and comfort it. One loud clap of thunder later, and the puppy had explosive diarrhea all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 843
You deserved it 9 078

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jp11692 0

hahah ew that sucks. poor puppy :(

Aww, I'm sorry. At least you didn't have it, yourself!


I seriously laughed for like 5 mins. after reading this. my dogs never do that.

hewdud 0

Hohohahahhehehe oh... Oh no... XD thank you for posting this

To all those people that said that this person 'deserved this' to happen to them, why? Why would she deserve it?! Seriously?

Awe poor puppy. He needs that thunder vest

When you hear the sound of thunder don't you get to scared just grab your thunder buddy and say these magic words "**** you thunder, you can suck my dick, you can't hurt me cause you're just Gods farts" (fart sound)