By Puppysit88 - 16/04/2009 21:36 - United States

Today, I was petsitting for my neighbor's new puppy. A huge thunderstorm came, and the puppy started whining and shivering violently. I pulled it into my lap to try and comfort it. One loud clap of thunder later, and the puppy had explosive diarrhea all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 845
You deserved it 9 078

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jp11692 0

hahah ew that sucks. poor puppy :(

Aww, I'm sorry. At least you didn't have it, yourself!


HAHAHAHAHA i've never read a FML that made me laugh as this one did!! haha maybe i'm just pretty happy todaay haha but this is sooo hilarious!! FYL (:

jdb2009 0

That was an awesome! I feel bad for the dog.

Awww poor puppy! I hope you didn't yell at him, its not his fault! :(

whiterabbit01 0

Lol.. At least it didn't shit all over the floor.. That wouldve been nasty clean up..on a carpet anyway

Aww. Poor Puppy. My puppy is afraid of the car, and he threw up on me. But it's not his fault..

sarahmolly 0

poor puppy, poor YOU, that REALLY sucks, #84 was right, at least it didnt go on the floor,

upsidedown03 0

poor you and poor puppy !!!

I can attest to the methods mentioned by 13, 41, and 45. My dog, naturally, used to be afraid of thunderstorms. However, after acting like the storm didn't phase me, she seemed less anxious. I also like to try and engage her in play to distract her, though this really only works for milder storms and other mildly loud noises.

iluvmycatz 0

At first, I was like Awww. But then, I ewwwed!