By Anonymous - 17/04/2015 20:43 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was playing Monopoly with my extended family. When my wife came home, she kicked me out of the game and took all my money and property. When I said she couldn't do that, she said "Sure I can. It's called divorce." Everyone laughed. Now I'm bored as hell, watching everyone else play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 175
You deserved it 4 001

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, maybe if you wanted to keep playing, you should have put your foot down?

Sounds like she needs to go directly to jail without passing go or collecting $200.


Should have got a prenup... But no, that was cruel of your wife. Don't let her treat you like that, talk to her afterwards in privacy

Chillax! don't see FML here unless the wife was serious, which is highly unlikely..

Chillax!! I don't see an FML here, unless your wife was serious, which is highly unlikely.

In all was a good joke and you were playing monopoly. That game is responsible for murders

phoenix3423 14

wow. you let that happen.. so many other ways.. starting over so she could be in on the fun..her waiting till game was done and starting over. no way any man woman or child should ever give up thier spot in a heated boardgame. Period. nope not my spot..not today..

chill99 15

I hate it when the person who you think should be your best friend does things for a laugh at your expense. Not funny at all.