By AvengdSevenfold - 24/08/2009 14:22 - United States

Today, I was playing Ultimate Frisbee and trying to make new friends since I'm new at my college. I was running after an overthrown frisbee for a touchdown. Everyone cheered me on to keep going. I ran full speed into a fence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 879
You deserved it 9 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

libbyson 5

Why is this an FML all the cute girls will come over to see if your ok

and now all the chicks will be digging u for ur injury and feeling sorry, or they won't stop laughing XD


lol, I was playing ultimate frisbee one time and I broke my ankle! it's a dangerous game! =P

rolf ultimate frisbe shud require the players wear helmet shoulder pads n an athletic supporter

Dude i totally know what u mean i did that once but it was in football i caught it but got stuck upside down

it always happens that when someone is "trying" to make a good impression, they fail- miserably. stop trying so hard and you won't look like an ass

YDI for playing ultimate frisbee....bro..

Do you know what I've discovered about myself since I've been in college? I am SO all about ultimate frisbee. *smash* Oh nooo! Did that hit crazy stairs?!

ity_07 0

Maybe you go to my college.... We have Ultimate Frisbee here all the time

im4evaonyomind 0

This will totally help you make friends. If you have a good sense of humor I'm sure they'll remember this and love to joke around with you about it pretty much forever, lol.