By Bilze - 17/05/2012 18:57 - United States - Burke

Today, I was reading a book on paper for the first time in maybe a month. I had to stop at a word I did not recognise. Because I'm so used to using a Kindle, I tried to get the definition by pressing it. I had my finger on the word for a few seconds before I realised it was paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 639
You deserved it 40 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe you need a paper dictionary; don't depend to much on technology youngster

Vicci_Love 6

Don't worry OP. I did that once. Looking at the illustration of an instruction manual, I tried to double tap for it to zoom in. >_

I did that when I was writing a biology paper and I didn't know if I spelled a word right so I waited for a good 5 minutes for autocorrect to change it for me... I was writing on paper..

Made my day. I can just imagine someone with their finger on a word thinking, "Hm... What could possibly be wrong with my Kindle..."

token_blackguy 18

Proof that technology is making some people stupid.

Wow i love how i submitted the SAME fml, literally the same as this and it didn't get approved, watever.

I did that once I was writing an essay and waited for auto correct on a misspelled word smh

I'm a technology freak, and even I don't get those type of things confused with each other.