By Bilze - 17/05/2012 18:57 - United States - Burke

Today, I was reading a book on paper for the first time in maybe a month. I had to stop at a word I did not recognise. Because I'm so used to using a Kindle, I tried to get the definition by pressing it. I had my finger on the word for a few seconds before I realised it was paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 639
You deserved it 40 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments


FireFlie07 20

Wow, thats special. Didn't know a kindle had a built in dictionary though. Thats interesting.

Today, I looked to my left while in class only to see some idiot next to me trying to make a book tell him the definition to a word. This is what my generation has come to. FML

I know right, America is F*CKED when we take over the gvt. That is why i'm immigrating to Germany

Look what technology hath wrought upon our society.

rmh96 0

That is why I will never switch to ebooks

"Oh yeah? Well I can do a book!" *puts finger on book but nothing happens* "aw :(" was I the only one that thought of that asdf moment?

sammis 0

At least you read. Most people these days are too dumb to even bother :/