By Bilze - 17/05/2012 18:57 - United States - Burke

Today, I was reading a book on paper for the first time in maybe a month. I had to stop at a word I did not recognise. Because I'm so used to using a Kindle, I tried to get the definition by pressing it. I had my finger on the word for a few seconds before I realised it was paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 639
You deserved it 40 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments


pchaney24 6

Ha ha ha I probably would have done the same thing if I had a kindle. So don't worry lol xD

rebeccac3 5

That is awesome!! I was just telling someone today that u could look up definitions!

I thought I was the only person who's done that! Either I'm not as stupid as I thought or OP and I are both stupid...

There is no realize(realise) on the FML, stupid. READ IT AGAIN!

SexiMamita91 3

And this is what technology has done to us..

Haha. I almost did that. But realized what I was doing as the thought crossed my mind.

firefighterjohn 9

my generation is screewwwweddd

are you related to the guy who waited for autocorrect while writing an essay on paper?