By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 06:29 - United States

Today, I was relaxing alone at a bar when I was approached by the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. She was too good to be true, so I asked, "Is this some kind of a prank?" She immediately turned around and left. She thought I was calling her ugly. I'll never see her again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 203
You deserved it 78 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe she left because you were onto her secret plans and clever tricks


so_me_fml 0

LOL, #15, seriously? I sincerely hope you're joking... Buuuut...

LadyKaya 0

LMAO...I hope #15 isn't joking. More lolz for me. :) And OP...WTF, man? If a guy did that to me, no matter how good I felt that day, I'd get upset that a guy I really liked thought I was ugly...not a FYL, FHL. If it originally wasn't a prank, then you just pranked yourself. Enjoy your hand.

She probably turned around and left so you wouldn't see her concealed bursts of laughter.

#15, you just brought a smile to my face. But if you're forreal, are you like 12?

No, she probably turned around and left because she didn't fancy sleeping with a bloke who has all the self confidence and sophistication of a fat 13 year old with pimples.

#15 – Anonymous is a word of Greek origin that means “without name.” It is used in any post where the author does not want his/her name acknowledged or identity revealed.

if you wanted to say something like that, you could have said "wow, i've never talked to a woman as beautiful as you, is this some kind of prank?" of course you could say neither and show that you're confident that you can pick up women like her.

Um, your fault dick. Tell her she's too good to be true.