By iAMloud - 19/03/2011 02:29 - United States

Today, I was riding to a prom with my friends in the middle of a swamp-covered area. I stuck my head out the top and screamed like they do in the movies. My hair, makeup, and mouth were quickly filled with bugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 479
You deserved it 67 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well.. it was a swamp covered area. What did you expect?


you deserve it for being a dumbass

you bastards WTF is wromg with being a lesbiab or gay??!?! NOTHING cuz in jesus times people made sex with woman to have children but they had sex with man for pleasure, so since jesus times there are gay ppl whats so wrong a bout it?

fthku 13

You're being sarcastic, right?

Ummmm....what did you expect would happen?

Haha what if you got prim queen? now that would suck

I hope your username is a friends reference

Randuhh_17 4

Lmfao!, why would you do that, when you know you are driving through a swamp area?! Not to mention, I live in Louisiana, and we don't even have our proms in swamp areas....where are you from?.

Notice in the movies, they are always in big cities? Never swamps.