By Devin - 19/05/2013 05:26 - United States

Today, I was roasting marshmallows around a campfire when mine burst into flames. I instinctively shook the stick to get it to go out. The flaming marshmallow then catapulted straight into my eye, burning my whole eyelid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 262
You deserved it 27 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blow, man, blow! Always blow other wise you risk losing the marshmallow!

YDI. Marshmallows are delicious after they catch fire and you should feel bad for not already knowing this, but the only way to put out the fire is to simply blow on it. It should be fairly obvious from the very start what would happen if you shook it.


luberdoodles 10

I did the exact same thing last summer only it landed on my hairline!

YDI. If something's on fire, just drop it!

This made me instinctively blink repeatedly...

That happened to my aunt. My other aunt shook her marshmallow and it flew into my aunt's (the first one) eye and they had to call 911.

Have you not seen Dennis the Menace?! Smh YDI

I thought of Dennis the Menace too! LOL I loved that movie and cartoon series as a kid. But back to OP, don't shake the marshmallow. Just blow on it, the flames will snuff out. Trust me.

kelardy 11

ya blow the fire out like a candle on a birthday cake :p