By Anonymous - 29/11/2009 13:49 - United States

Today, I was shopping at the grocery market and was next in line. Behind me was a woman who only had two items, so I nicely let her in front of me, as it looked like she was in a hurry. When she was all rung up, she decided to pay her $16.45 in loose change which needed to be counted out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 147
You deserved it 6 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jane99 0

I'm a cashier, I feel for you.

I guess you wish you'd CHANGED your mind about being nice!


Your fault, totally. Next time don't let people cut in front of you. U never know how long it'll take.

AnaMaree 0

Boohoo, you had to wait in line.

be nice ALWAYS!!!! karma has a way of coming back for you. And don't whine about the person paying in lose change. maybe that's all they had. I tend to raid my piggy bank when I'm broke and I have at times paid for milk etc with change. Your good deed voided itself when you felt it was right to come on FML and tell us your life is worse for letting someone go before you at the checkout.

not like you get a " I used exact change in coins" award...

See in some states there's a limit to paying with change. anything over 3 dollars in some states has to be in rolled containers. I would have shot the bitch.

I would've helped her count it, to make it move faster. It's another nice deed and it keeps the line moving. Or that hoe needs to do what I do, count it out BEFORE I get to the register.

It wouldn't matter if you helped, I'm a cashier too. We are the ones who have to count it out- whether she had it counted out beforehand or not. We have to make sure that the correct amount is there and the customer isn't "accidentally" shortening us. Same goes if you bring up rolled coins to a register. It doesn't matter if the wrapper says that roll of pennies is worth $1.00 we still have to break it open and count each one. To the OP, FYL. That happens to me a lot, people will let others go ahead of them in line and then various reasons for a wait will occur. I always feel bad for the people behind in line.

ProtoBuster_1 5

Back when I was a cashier at Target, the store was closing for the night and I had a group of three women as my last customers. I rung up their merchandise, it came to $156.31... and one of the women paid it all in $1 bills... I had to stand there, all those bills in my hand, counting each other and making sure I don't mess up and have to start over. I definitely feel for the OP. Also, if there is a person standing behind me in a checkout lane with only 1-2 items, sometimes I'll let them go before me... the only time I hate when that happens is when I'm in a self-checkout lane and the person has no frickin' clue on how to use it...

I've had someone pay for a pack of gum with a credit card, and their credit kept getting denied.

hahahaha! that's a good one! i feel sorry for that guy ;)

wet11 2

I had the similar issue before. I was in the line at the grocery store I had just a cake mix. I asked the lady front of me nicely that I have 1 item and almost exact total price to give the cashier. She refused I thought she had just 2 items on the register since it 15 items or less but then she dragged a cart full of more items like 10 more items. I was mad it was not fair.

Rico5037 0

that's the most metal thing I've ever heard.

Musicfiend222 0

seriously this is why you think you have a bad life...get over yourself.

o0HonestlyNow0o 0

This is not worthy of an FML.