By Anonymous - 29/06/2013 17:18 - Czech Republic

Today, I was sitting at my favorite coffee shop, when a creepy 50-ish looking guy sat at my table. He asked if I'm into submissive guys, and if I wanted to dominate him. I'm a 17-year-old girl, and am now scared to ever go back there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 811
You deserved it 3 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone's been reading too much 50 Shades of Gray...

perdix 29


If he really is submissive, he will probably listen if you tell him to, err, "leave you alone".

So what you're saying is you are afraid of a submissive man? Welp.

Shandra78 9

Just tell him he's gross and unappealing and to go away. Kick him in the nuts if he follows you home. I'd call that fair warning and clear communication of the word 'no'.

Some girls these days look like they're legal. It's most likely the make they cake on and the hair they damage through dying and styling.

ravenevercross 19

So, am I the only one who laughed at the OP's name while thinking of all the posts from Perdix? Also, FYL OP....on a side note, you can dominate me too if you'd like?

perdix 29

#93, no, are not the only one. I doubt anyone laughed harder than me, though!

I can picture perdix sitting in Internet cafes scoping out chicks browsing fml like "hey baby, heard of perdix?" Fml famous :]

Seirye14 11

You should, quite possibly, I don't know, just a suggestion, CALL THE GORRAM COPS. Tell the owner of the shop about it so they can keep him out of there!

You: "Sure! Let's start now!" *Splash - boiling hot coffee in the face*

Were you dressed in black leather? That would have gotten him going.