By Anonymous - 29/06/2013 17:18 - Czech Republic

Today, I was sitting at my favorite coffee shop, when a creepy 50-ish looking guy sat at my table. He asked if I'm into submissive guys, and if I wanted to dominate him. I'm a 17-year-old girl, and am now scared to ever go back there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 811
You deserved it 3 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone's been reading too much 50 Shades of Gray...

perdix 29


Don't let this scare you off of your favorite café. Management will be on your side. And I've never heard of an aggressive submissive.

clarinetplayer01 9

Creepy people in this world.

MerrikBarbarian 9

But perdix- men who want to be dominated are trainable. You just need a good riding crop... Or flogger... Or bull whip... Or paddle... Not that I would know anything about this... :p

You should have said hell yes, but look dude, you are not a guy, you are a grandpa.

nurchok 15

****, I hate perverts... What's wrong with today's society?

icepick23 12

Wait until you turn 18 & then go for it.

Get over it, sure your 17 but that doesn't mean you can't tell someone to **** off. Don't let your self be a victim, then he wins.

He is submissive, tell him to go kiss the pavement in a busy intersection. Sooner or later he won't come back.

whathefuckislife 11