By Anonymous - 29/06/2013 17:18 - Czech Republic

Today, I was sitting at my favorite coffee shop, when a creepy 50-ish looking guy sat at my table. He asked if I'm into submissive guys, and if I wanted to dominate him. I'm a 17-year-old girl, and am now scared to ever go back there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 811
You deserved it 3 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone's been reading too much 50 Shades of Gray...

perdix 29


graceinsheepwear 33

That's a conundrum because if you yell at him he will just get off on it. Tell him no, that you are into dominant men. That will end his fantasy right there. Trust me on this one.

ravenevercross 19

I believe you mean, "Tell him no, you are not into dominate men."

MerrikBarbarian 9

94- learn to read. If she is only interested in dominant men it means she too is submissive and therefore unlikely to ever dominate him.

graceinsheepwear 33

Thank you 113. And 94, by your logic, it would be not into dominating men. If you are going to correct others, get it right or back the **** off.

venus89 17

Aren't there hookers for that

graceinsheepwear 33

As well as regular folk. Maybe even mom and dad.

I'm sure they prefer the term "escort". Or dominatrix at the least. I doubt common prostitutes would be completely dominant unless you paid extra.

Why would you pay a prostitute to not enjoy something when you could try your chances with people who might fancy the same oddities as you?

NagainaFier 16

Traditionally, 45, prostitute =/= escort Prostitute= sex Escort= company Not to say one couldn't do the other's job, but that's the difference when you get straight to it.

that's really creepy. but you shouldn't let him stop you from going to your favorite coffee shop OP (:

pinguino3669_fml 23

True! Next time, bring some friends. It'd be most helpful if you brought some buff guy friend though haha ;)

Epikouros 31

Yeah, tell him "I'm not into submissive geezers, but my friend here is. He likes forced chastity, hard crushing and very realistic castration play."

olpally 32

Haha. It's definitely not perdix. that guy is a ******* creep. Report him.

CoffeeChickBlows 13

Agreed, then report the guy from the coffee shop too.

perdix 29

#23, yeah, when I go to the coffee shop, I'm too shy to hit on the girls. And I've never been to the Czech Republic.

graceinsheepwear 33

27 I don't think he meant perdix was a creep, lol. he meant the coffee shop guy.

olpally 32
CharresBarkrey 15

Don't worry, 27, I got the joke.

Tell him no but you know some friendly gentlemen in jail who would take him up on that offer.

Well, it's legal here in Canada. But that's pretty damn creepy how open he was about it! Lol

graceinsheepwear 33

What exactly is legal in Canada? Creepage?

TheDrifter 23

Asking isn't illegal, neither is 17, it only becomes illegal if he refuses to take no for an answer or tries to use force or intimidation to change her mind.

That law has always confused me. Not mature enough to vote, but mature enough to potentially raise a child?

TheDrifter 23

The law is kind of old, at the time the logic was that starting a family early increased the chance of having children make it to adulthood before the vagaries of life took the parents. Voting on the other hand was seen as a grave responsibility to be undertaken by those with the wisdom to understand the consequences of their vote.

perdix 29

#5, or, even better, find a nice, older gentleman who will happily brew you coffee at his home and bake you homemade scones, biscotti or muffins. Maybe, he even has a hot tub ;)

A guy admitting that he is submissive would disgust me.

Were you drinking 50 shades of grey earl tea?