By halien1982 - 03/01/2010 06:36 - United States

Today, I was sitting at the bar of a popular local restaurant. I sat there for a few hours and drank my sorrows away with the bartender. I thought she was pretty, and decided to give her a large tip. The tip sent me over my credit card limit, and the bartender is not single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 429
You deserved it 35 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You don't realize that this procedure is an important part of how our economy works: Morons like you give your money away to chicks because you think they are "pretty". Chicks then buy stuff and stimulate the economy.

Sitting at a bar on the inside, wait for mah ride on the outside....

YDI if you think giving someone a tip is a reason for them to date/shag/see you, go buy a prostitute. Just because she's a pretty waitress, don't make her a ***** for money ;) who cares if she's single or not - she's not going to hop into bed with you because you gave her a tip you twit. also YDI for not staying ontop of your finances.

Before I got a credit card, I talked to my grandpa about it because he's worked in banking most of his life. He told me that the most you should use on your credit card is half of the limit. If you use 75% of your limit or more, it lowers your credit score because you begin to become more of a liability. So YDI for spending so much on your credit card that a tip put you over your credit limit.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

You are saying YDI because you assume that once your grandpa tells you something, everyone else should know it? Wow. When do all you high schoolers go back to school again?

I wasn't implying he should know it, I was just sharing some knowledge. I was saying YDI because he let his card get over the credit limit. I was pretty sure it was common sense that getting to the point where a tip puts your over the limit was bad. But thanks, I'm glad you took the time out of your day to leave a rude reply.

npk88 0

There's so much fail in this post I don't even know where to begin....

YDI for not asking her if she was single.

YDI for thinking that those friendly women in the service industry ACTUALLY like you and aren't just trying to make a buck. There's one born every minute.

iamtheplatypus 0

aww damn bro I feel for you