By Scaryman - 21/02/2010 00:03 - United States

Today, I was sitting down in a store when a stroller stopped by me. While the parents were fixing the strap, the baby looked at me, gasped, looked at me again, gasped, and then screamed. Ten minutes later, another baby looked at me and screamed. My face scares babies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 281
You deserved it 4 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Dang that must suck . having no babies liking u they just think like everyone else

Lol! Do you have a beard? For some reason a lot of babies and toddlers get freaked out by the sight of them.

This is so true. My niece was absolutely terrified at first of my uncle who has a full beard. Babies just go through a phase of stranger anxiety sometimes, and beards can be scary if the kid isn't familiar with with anyone with facial hair.

sexpistol 0

this made me laugh so HARD! best fml ever! haha. do you have many facial piercings? or weird hair? sometimes babies are frightened by that. back in the day, when i was a little jr. high "gawth" i had toddlers at the mall asking their parents if i was a "monster", haha. nowadays babies are just fascinated by me. there's this one little girl in my apartment building who just stops and stares every time i walk by, even if she's in the middle of a tantrum. her mom has to physically pick her up and take her away to break her gaze.

Haha, this FML was made by my older brother. We were sitting down in a clothing store while our mother was looking around the store for clothes. One chinese lady had to put the baby in her stroller while she was adjusting the bags in her hands(she had like 5 or 6). While the baby was in the stroller, the baby looked at him, gasped, looked away, and then a few seconds later, looked at him again and screamed. It wa hilarious! Then, when another lady was checking out of the store, she put her child near us for a second while she payed, and when the child saw him, the child screamed! It was so funny! I can't believe it actually made it on FML, though. XD Anyway, he has no facial piercings, tattoos, or anything like that. He's only 15 and our parents are VERY stict about those things. It's just his hideous face at work again!(jk) But I really can't believe this made it on here!

Hanban 0

Give yourselves a pat on the back.

You should change your toothpaste, if you're using one that is.

Alli121 0

I read this in the middle of a computer class while i was supposed to be writing my reportn and started laughing so hard i fell out of my chair, the teacher came over to see what was so funny and he said I love fml, it's soo funny, then walked away. I thought I was gonna get kicked out of class.

u need plastic surgery it worked for me

shazam22 0

you're horrible. You should have been thinking of the children before you entered that store.

HeySoulSista 0

Don't worry. My best friend's nephew was at her house one night while I was staying over, and she, her 5 sisters, her mom, hey step-dad, and I were all in a circle around him, he took one long look at me, then screamed and cried for 45 minutes. My niece feels the same way about me, too.