By Scaryman - 21/02/2010 00:03 - United States

Today, I was sitting down in a store when a stroller stopped by me. While the parents were fixing the strap, the baby looked at me, gasped, looked at me again, gasped, and then screamed. Ten minutes later, another baby looked at me and screamed. My face scares babies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 281
You deserved it 4 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Do you have facial hair. I have had problems like that sometimes when I have had a goatee. Or if you are a bigger person it can sometimes scare kids. Don't feel bad, just make sure you are clean shaven and squating.

iicasinas 0

dont worry, you're not alone. same thing happens to miley. {:

MissLadyLuck15 7

Babies hate me too. But most people say I'm pretty so there's probably nothing wrong with you.

XxOtakuKaixX 3

Don't worry. You're not alone. Sometimes little kids look at me and have a breakdown.....the same thing happens to some older people, too.

Lola2cool 0

Rofl,Yeeep I Agree with 125,Kids Love Exploring and looking at New things Also Babys Love Ppl with Glasses

joeyrocks 0

u must be really ugly 2 make a baby scream O.O

joeyrocks 0

if ur a girl idk how u will find a guy. if ur a guy idk how u will find a girl. ur life sucks..... BADLY

WickedPixie 0

It could have been something you were wearing....

flyboy96 0