By Scaryman - 21/02/2010 00:03 - United States

Today, I was sitting down in a store when a stroller stopped by me. While the parents were fixing the strap, the baby looked at me, gasped, looked at me again, gasped, and then screamed. Ten minutes later, another baby looked at me and screamed. My face scares babies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 281
You deserved it 4 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments


michael666 7

how is tht an fml, I wud love to have tht face, I love dead baby jokes, how many babies does it take to paint a house red? depends on how hard u throw them! just absolutely hilarious

CaptainAwesome2 0

Since when do babies scream?

buddy, i have the same issue hahaha(:

haha I have to admit that that's pretty funny. I laughed.

hebron77 0

Don't sweat it, alot of babies scare easily. My cousin will start crying sometimes if I'm looking at her and not smiling.

CAUTION Keep out of reach of children under the age of 3

doglover100 28

Babies usually don't like people other than their parents looking at them. My face scares little kids.

Babies love me. Which is odd because most would describe me in appearance as a "scary goth chick that children and the elderly need to stay away from". I can't complain, though. It's adorable to see a baby turn around, look at you, and then smile and giggle happily.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

The same thing happens to me! People generally don't want me around their kids because of my gothic style (somehow it's "dangerous") but I guess I'm one of those people who attracts the unders 5's like flies.

kaedynsmom0325 13

I'm sorry.. But I definitely laughed my ass off reading this..!!