By Anonymous - 23/10/2009 00:15 - United States

Today, I was sitting in my bed drinking Yoohoo from a juice box. I decided it would be fun to see how much I could fit in my mouth. As soon as my mouth was full, I sneezed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 726
You deserved it 41 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So glad you asked there, Deathbunny256. Sometimes I wish I was American, you always seem to have wonderfully sounding snacks/drinks.


bosshaug 0

Deathbunny needs to kill himself along with 30 babys from a nursery

MiniatureMayhem 0

Yoohoo from a JUICE box? That's weird. Here I was thinking that Yoohoo came in Yoohoo boxes.

why do people think FML's have to be super cereal in order to make it on the list?

electroboy_fml 0

47 i think he was trying to be cool by calling "serious" "cereal"

awww...! we don't have YooHoos in Australia...I don't think anyways. not fair.

ROTFL that is hilarious, why can't all Fmylife's be this funny

yoohoos sound shitty : ~ @ BLAAAAAARRRRRRRFFFF!

killinmesmalls 0

haha human curiosity cracks me up sometimes

Sparky1728 0