By Come on - 29/01/2012 00:46 - United States

Today, I was sitting on a bus. I'm deaf. An old lady looked very angry at me and started talking. Then she looked like she was screaming. I had to type on my phone that I'm deaf. Apparently, I'd been stepping on her foot. She decided to poke me in the eye and type, "Now you're blind too." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 667
You deserved it 3 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My response would be to type in another message "now youre dying" and cut off her oxygen supply


Been there..done that..Im deaf too...had a chick slap me cuz she thought i was ignoring her

miyaviichan 27

This made me think: It must be really hard being deaf. Not only can you not hear anything, but people think you're ignoring them!

missymoon722 4

Lol deaf people can text and play games on phones too.....

blair_x 12

She couldn't just...move her foot? Or try to tug it out? Even if she didn't succeed in getting her foot free, you still would've instinctually moved away and therefore released her.

U shuldve punched her in da face and typed "now ur defaced!" sorry! I hope thats the only bitch u'll meet thats like dat!

Why the hell didn't you kick that old **** right between the uprights?

I dont understand how op would not know they were on her foot, nor how op would be stepping on her foot when they were sitting on the bus, and how that would be heavy enough for the lady to not pull her foot away. But either way, the eye poke after learning op was deaf was uncalled for. I would have slammed my foot down on her foot, hard. That'll teach that old lady to think she can just act how she wants cause she is old lol.

amazing_red 4

Those were all of my exact thoughts when I read this!