By anonymous - 14/03/2012 05:18 - Canada

Today, I was sitting on the couch with my fiancé, when he jumped up and viciously sat on my face. I then heard, smelled, and tasted the most violent, horrific fart known to man. I still can't get the taste out of my mouth, and he can't stop laughing. I'm getting married to this guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 061
You deserved it 14 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinkcrayola 0

Best reason ever to dump the, pardon me please!, asshole!!!


You're not married yet, not too late to cancel before you loose half your stuff!

I know how important love is, but this guy is WAY too immature to be getting married to you or to anyone. This doesn't sound like some random type thing, I'm sure he's done plenty of immature stuff. Either get him to understand this is not something you like or dump his unrespectful and immature ass.

gloria89108 1

Oh my god I threw up in my mouth just thinking Bout this !!! This is WRONG !!!!! For one he was vicious and that's just plain NASTY!!!!!!

Put bloody tampon sludge inside his sandwich. >:)

Ew, how old is he anyway, ten? That's ******* disgusting. If you marry him you're doomed (and an idiot.).

That is so disgusting but when I read this I did laugh out loud and people stared at me haha I'm sorry op. Seriously set some boundaries and tell him next time he tries to do that you are going to eat eggs cheese beans etc and then fart in his mouth! Haha jk thats disgusting! Fyl

If this is not the first time he did something like this, then YDI for marrying him. I like funny people and I like joking around, but this is disgusting and really embarrassing for both you and himself. If he finds THIS funny, you guys should have some serious conversation.