By anonymous - 14/03/2012 05:18 - Canada

Today, I was sitting on the couch with my fiancé, when he jumped up and viciously sat on my face. I then heard, smelled, and tasted the most violent, horrific fart known to man. I still can't get the taste out of my mouth, and he can't stop laughing. I'm getting married to this guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 061
You deserved it 14 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinkcrayola 0

Best reason ever to dump the, pardon me please!, asshole!!!


cwbsmoker 5

Just before I got on the fml server I had just preformed a VERY successful Dutch oven on my girlfriend oh what you poor women have to put up with. Bahahaha:B

back up slowly and get the hell out before you get legally bound to this kid... i mean man!

kellyXbeanz 3

ewwww no don't marry that guy big mistake to do!! don't marry him !! ewww thats why I'm into girls -__- smh!

You still actually want to marry this guy?

I can foresee a divorce in the near future(;

if my boyfriend did that to me, i would cockbolt him till he beggs

You're not married yet, not too late to cancel before you loose half your stuff!