By anonymous - 14/03/2012 05:18 - Canada

Today, I was sitting on the couch with my fiancé, when he jumped up and viciously sat on my face. I then heard, smelled, and tasted the most violent, horrific fart known to man. I still can't get the taste out of my mouth, and he can't stop laughing. I'm getting married to this guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 066
You deserved it 14 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinkcrayola 0

Best reason ever to dump the, pardon me please!, asshole!!!


I swear I hear "don't marry him" as advice on most of these. I wouldn't do what that guy did, but I would never marry a woman who broke up with me over a joke. What happened to love, people? >.<

Love is a fragile flower, and things like this are venom against love.

The memories, the smiles, the laughs, the experiences, the intimate bonding can all be thrown out the bloody window because of something that minute? Interesting. My concept of love must be greatly flawed, apologies.

robc32ca 4

Get out before it is too late

Nwthatzfunny 9

I wouldn't marry someone like that...gross

Wow, thats a uhhh very interesting individual right there...

oarisimo 4

In a lot of countries isn't it illegal to marry a 10 year old child?

HannahWho 8

The person is never responsible for the abuse given them by others. I am sure he didn't sit on her face and fart on their first date. Many times people can go years without seeing that side of their spouse/partner.

dirtysellers85 0

That just means he really loves you!

Don't marry a child. Seriously. You don't NEED to be married at all.

cloakedn007 1

It's the fart game! Don't get mad just get him back. lol