By Fykkhttdsetkkhvln - 26/04/2009 16:45 - United States
Same thing different taste
Wake up, human!
By inveralaska - 16/06/2016 21:22 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 30/09/2013 16:23 - United States - Mulino
By Anonymous - 22/11/2014 15:34 - United States - Waterville
By Anonymous - 05/06/2009 04:28 - United States
By TheLivingDeadTree - 19/10/2024 13:00 - United States
By KittenTime - 26/05/2011 21:03 - United Kingdom
The gift
By Anonymous - 15/12/2023 14:00 - United Kingdom
By Noname - 30/01/2009 18:18 - Canada
Surprise, human!
By Anonymous - 22/04/2024 09:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/10/2012 16:29 - United States - Santee
Top comments
ok for the people saying the kitten shouldn't be away from its mum at 4 weeks (and #52), if the owners did adopt, I know for a fact that the pound lies about the age of the animal (they are supposed to be at least 8 weeks) just so that they can get rid of it. they said my dog was 8 weeks and about 4 weeks later the vet told us he was now 8 weeks old. same could've happened for the cat. or it could be the scenario 34 and 38 say. and 61 made this fml really funny! thanks =] and 93 are you serious?! im sorry but you are ridiculous. FYL dude, but in time you'll get over it...
Hope it wasn't a black kitten.
Does anyone else look through comments that have commented on other peoples comments and go back to those comments to see if they were funny? for example" hahaha #17 that so funny!" so you go back and look at comment 17? I do that.
well god kills a kitty every time you jerk off so no biggie here.. jk you are a ******* moron please go to the nearest freeway and play chicken with an escalade
I hope you ******* burn in hell you animal murderer. You deserve to die the same way the poor kitty died. SLOW AND PAINFUL.
#34 Other times, the mother gets killed (Maybe the OP fell asleep with her, too...). ROFL. Did not see that coming XD. Anyway, I'm definitely no super model, but I've snuggled and slept with and had 4 week old kittens sleeping on and around me (excuse the long, badly written sentence, I'm tired AND pmsing -_-;) and, well, none of them died XD so I'm inclined to believe this is fake, or at least I hope so, because it's horrible D= if it were true I'd be worried about ever falling asleep anywhere near a kitty ever again >_< I really wish I didn't read this FML.
I don't get why they chose this one to's not funny, it's just depressing =(
I sincerely hope that this is a fake : That's just completely terrible :(
That's just enormous amount of pure fail. You fall asleep while you should be looking after their kids AND you kill their kitten. I hope you don't do this regularly.