By Fykkhttdsetkkhvln - 26/04/2009 16:45 - United States

Today, I was snuggling with my neighbors four week old kitten while babysitting their kids. I fell asleep, rolled over, and woke up next to a dead kitten. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 806
You deserved it 58 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I sincerely hope that this is a fake : That's just completely terrible :(

That's just enormous amount of pure fail. You fall asleep while you should be looking after their kids AND you kill their kitten. I hope you don't do this regularly.


designedlikedice 0

YDI for sleeping on the job. And you're not supposed to sleep with animals that small.

its either fake, or you're and idiot for sleeping while babysitting. its not an FML. its FTL

Animal abuse and negligence when it comes to pets is very common. Not to mention stupidity. The OP comment is Darwinism at it's best, whether post is real or not. It's just plain sick.

sounds to me like you did them a favor. cats are pretty much worthless. buy them a dog as an apology gift if you really feel bad about it. sounds like a win-win-win situation to me.

soxgrl33 0

Wtf?! That's terrible! I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose, but I had to click YDI. Poor little baby :(

#112 actually maybe they weren't four weeks old, but i doubt any older than two months (i know, huge difference, but let me again blame sleepiness/pms DX).

LambOFGod 0

well that really does suck haha

BurnTheVegan 0

I really want to know why you fell asleep while babysitting; the only somewhat redeemable excuses are you were outrageously tired and tried very hard to stay conscious but failed, or the kids were asleep and you set your alarm to wake up in a short amount of time. That being said, for your sake I hope the kitten died due to a disease or abnormality as opposed to being suffocated by your body.

could have been abandoned? i found an abandoned kitten in a shopping cart in the park and he was only 3 weeks old.

soxgrl33 0